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TAB is dedicated to promoting environmental protection and sustainability among college students. Our goal is to raise awareness about the importance of long-term sustainability and the positive impact it can have on our planet. Through our blog, we aim to provide valuable information, resources, and inspiration for students to take action and contribute to a more sustainable future.


Business Requirements​


  • Equipment to use

  • Beekeeping Schemes & Grants

  • Contactless Payment

  • Monetary Security

  • Logistic and Transportation

  • Registrations

  • Bee Health

  • Labelling of Products

  • Records to keep

5-Year Business Plan


Year 1 - E-Business Marketing Strategy

  1. Recognize Audience

  2. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

  3. Leverage Social Media Marketing


Year 2 – Mobile-based Approach

  1. Mobile App Development

  2. Mobile Customer Support

  3. Keep Up with Mobile Trends


Year 3 – Social Media Advertisement

  1. Create Compelling Content:

  2. Optimize for Search Engines (SEO)


Year 4 – Added Personalisation

  1. Personalized Recommendations

  2. Dynamic Content Customization

  3. Customized Product Offerings


Year 5 – Market Expansion

  1. Market Research and Analysis

  2. Market segmentation and targeting

  3. Product or Service Adaptation

  4. Build Local Partnerships and Networks

  5. Customer Service and Support

©2024 by TAB

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